
Wenli TANG

Ms Wenli TANG

Research and Teaching Assistant

L 707
+41 22 379 73 06

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Research interests

Wenli Tang holds an MA in theoretical linguistics from Beijing Language and Culture University (2017) and was an exchange student at the University of Oslo (2015). After joining the program certificat de spécialisation en linguistique at the University of Geneva in 2018, she is now pursuing her PhD in the Department of Linguistics.

Her research interests mainly lie in the syntax-semantics interface as well as the interface between syntax and pragmatics/information structure, or the syntacticization of discourse. More specifically, she has worked on the syntax and semantics of cleft-like constructions in Mandarin Chinese and Left Periphery-related issues such as the classification of Topics and Foci. Her current project focuses on sentence-final particles in Mandarin and aims to investigate the cross-linguistic role of discourse particles at the interfaces through a cartographic approach.

