Formation continue

Management of Clinical Trials


  • Provide essential knowledge and understanding of drug development and marketing authorization processes
  • Enable participants to understand issues related to human subject research
  • Describe the different clinical trial designs and methodologies
  • Give a theoretical and practical insight on project planning and management in clinical trials
  • Provide effective tools to comply with clinical research regulations and Good Clinical Practices (GCP)
  • Enable participants to successfully manage trial applications to ethics committees and regulatory authorities
  • Illustrate how to implement quality systems in clinical trials


Medical doctor, biologist, pharmacist, nurse, biochemist and other professional involved, or wishing to gain skills and knowledge in the field of clinical research


Présentation de la formation

Règlement d'études

11 févr. 2019

Département d’anesthésiologie, pharmacologie, soins intensifs et urgences (APSI)