Dolores Martín Moruno
Professor Boursière FNS
Dolores Martín Moruno is assistant professor within the iEH2’s history program and an associate member of the Institute of Gender Studies. Her work focuses on the history of humanitarianism, the cultural history of war, the history of global health, gender history, the history of emotions and the new history of experiences. She studied the history of science and technology at the l’ÉHESS (Centre Alexandre Koyré, Paris, France) and at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain). Dolores has been visiting fellow at the Universität Wien (Vienna, Austria), the Université Claude Bernard (Lyon, France), the Centre de recherche en histoire des sciences et des techniques (Paris, France), the Bakken Museum of Electricity and Life (Minneapolis, United States), the Centre for the History of Emotions at the Queen Mary University of London (UK), the New York University (United States) and at the Centre of Excellence in the History of Experiences (Tampere University, Finland).
Since 2017, Dolores has led the research team Women-Humanitari@ns. She has been the principal investigator of the SNSF Professorship project Those women who performed humanitarian action: a Gendered history of compassion from the Franco-Prussian war to WWII, its extensions Lived Humanitarianism : Gender, experiences and knowledge(s) (1853-1945) and A Polyphonic History of Care: Gender, experiences and humanitarian knowledge(s), as well as the SNSF Agora scientific communication project Beyond Compassion: Gender and Humanitarian Action. Dolores coordinates a network that brings together researchers, NGO representatives and other partners from the world of culture to promote research exchanges at an international level, as well as to disseminate research results through public events such as the exhibition Who Cares?: Gender and humanitarian action which was organized with the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum.
History of modern warfare
History of humanitarian aid from the 19th century to the present-day.
Women’s History / Gender History / History of Care
History of Sensibilities / History of Emotions / History of Experience
Visual and Material Culture of Humanitarianism
Public History
Dolores Martín Moruno teaches courses on the history of humanitarian medicine for the Faculty of Medicine’s “Global Health and Humanitarian Medicine” specialization. She also supervises master’s dissertations in the same research area. Dolores is a member of the Réseau romand de mentoring pour les femmes which fosters the academic careers of young female researchers.
- Martín Moruno, D. 2023. Beyond Compassion: Gender and Humanitarian Action. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (In Press).
- Edgar, B., Gorin V., Martín Moruno, D. (eds.) Making Humanitarian Crises: Emotions and Images in History. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2022.
- Martín Moruno D., Pichel B. (eds.), Emotional Bodies: The Historical Performativity of Emotions, Urbana & Champaign, University of Illinois Press, 2019.
- Martín Moruno, D. Pain(ful) experiences as an archipelago of knowledge(s), Digital Handbook of the History of Experience, 2023.
- Martín Moruno, D. Elisabeth Eidenbenz’s humanitarian experience during the Spanish Civil War and Republican exile, Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies, 4 (2), 2020, 459-483.
- Martín-Moruno, D. 2020. Faut-il brûler l’histoire des émotions?,Traverse 2: 147-157.
- Martín-Moruno, D. 2020. A female genealogy of humanitarian action: compassion as practice in the work of Josephine Butler, Florence Nightingale and Sarah Monod, Medicine, Conflict and Survival, 36 (1): 19-40.
- Martín Moruno D., Edgar Lynn B., Leyder M., Feminist Perspectives on the History of Humanitarian Relief, Medicine, Conflict and Survival, 36 (1), 2020: 2-18.
- Martín Moruno D., Pain as Practice in Paolo Mantegazza’s Science of Emotions, Osiris, 31, 2016: 271-322.
Book Chapters
- Martín Moruno, D., Physiologies of Love, in Langhamer, C. (ed.) A Cultural History of Love in the Modern Age, London: Bloomsbury (In press).
- Martín Moruno, D., Compasión, in Atlas político de las pasiones, in Gómez Ramos, A. and Velasco Arias, Gonzalo (eds.). Madrid: Editorial Trotta (In press).
- Martín Moruno, D., Crisis? What Crisis? Making Humanitarianism Visible in the History of Emotions, in Edgar B., Gorin V. and Martín Moruno, D. (eds.), Making Humanitarian Crises: Emotions and Images in History. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2022: 1-28.
- Martín Moruno D., Fearful Female Bodies: The Pétroleuses of the Paris Commune, in Martín Moruno D., Pichel B. (eds.), Emotional Bodies: The Historical Performativity of Emotions, Urbana & Champaign: University of Illinois Press, 2019: 175-193.
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