Projets en cours

Microplastics contamination in drinking and waste water treatment plants

Microplastics have become a major concern due to their presence in freshwater resources which are frequently used to produce drinking water. This study investigates the contamination and removal efficiency of microplastics (MPs) and synthetic fibres both in drinking water treatment plants and waste water systems

  • Funding : SSIGE-FOWA (Société Suisse des Industriels de l’Eau et du Gaz) et SIG (Services Industriels de Genève)
  • UniGe Responsible : Serge Stoll, Angel Negrete Velasco
  • Partners : Société Suisse des Industriels de l’Eau et du Gaz, Service Industriels de Genève (Stéphan Ramseier, Pascal Ramaciotti, Stéphane Zimmermann, Pauline Perdaems), University of Bordeaux (Prof P. Le Coustumer)