Projets en cours

Towards a better understanding of the transport processes of nanoparticles and nanoplastics in porous media

Adsorption on mineral surfaces in porous media is considered as one of the most important processes controlling the fate and transport of nanomaterials both in the natural environment and conventional filtration systems. This project relies on numerical models and laboratory experiments to assess the mechanisms and the impact of porous media on the transport and transformation of manufactured nanoparticles.

  • Funding : UniGe
  • Responsible : Serge Stoll, Gabriela Hul
  • Partners : Société Suisse des Industriels de l’Eau et du Gaz, Service Industriels de Genève, (Stéphan Ramseier, Pascal Ramaciotti, Stéphane Zimmermann, Pauline Perdaems), University of Bordeaux (Prof P. Le Coustumer)