Join us at the School of Chemistry and Biochemistry
To enrol for the Bachelor program (in French) or the Master program (in English) visit the English version of the Enrolment page.
Questions related to application procedures and the administrative documents required for application must be directly addressed to the UNIGE student application service.
Questions related to the content of the Bachelor and Master in biochemistry and inchemistry cursus at UNIGE can be adressed to the academic advisor of the School of Chemistry and Biochemistry.
To apply to start a doctoral work or a postdoctoral fellowship, choose a research group and contact the group leader directly.
Bachelor Program
The School proposes top-class bachelor programs in Chemistry and Biochemistry. The curriculum of the first three semesters is the same for our chemistry and biochemistry students, allowing a solid formation in the other discipline. Contact with the teachers and professors is facilitated by the moderate size of the classes. Beside lectures and tutorials, our students spend a large part of their time in the laboratory for practice in the various disciplines of chemistry and biochemistry. Our best students have the possibility to substitute some of the regular lab courses by an internship in a research group of the School.
Mid-term internships in the research groups are also encouraged from the second year.
Master Program
The School offers a prestigious program that welcomes national and international students with a BSc in chemistry or equivalent (Bologna compatible, min. 180 ECTS credits), informations can be found here for chemistry and biochemistry. Highlights include a personalized selection of advanced courses, research experience in cutting-edge research groups, and attractive merit opportunities.
Please also consult the MSc in Chemical Biology, a joint educational programme between the UNIGE and the EPFL
For Excellence Masters Fellowships from the Werner Foundation, the Faculty of Science and the School of Chemistry and Biochemistry, please apply here (selected from the same applications).
For Assistant Position ("moniteur") to financially support your MS in Geneva, please apply to . Deadlines : 1st of July for an entry into function early September, 1st of December for an entry into function early February. (If possible, applications past deadline and from advanced BS students will be considered as well). Good level of French is expected.
Doctoral School
The School offers an internationally recognized program that focuses on cutting-edge research in one of the research groups. This independent research activity is complemented by personalized courses, journal clubs, departmental lectures, annual summer schools in the Swiss mountains, teaching opportunities and, last but not least, a vibrant city life, lake and mountains for evenings and weekends. The Doctoral School offers financially very attractive fellowships as well as eligibility for a Swiss National Science Foundation fellowship to continue education with a postdoctoral experience anywhere abroad. Admission is possible throughout the year, please contact the individual group leaders for availabilities.
For a PhD in Biochemistry, admission through the PhD School in Life Sciences of the University of Geneva is encouraged.
Postdoctoral Fellowships
The School offers very attractive fellowships. Applications are always welcome, please contact the individual group leaders for availabilities.
Our former students usually find high-level employment without problems. Some prefer joining the leading regional or national industry (Actelion, Addex, DuPont Dow, Firmenich, Givaudan, JT, Lonza, MerckSerono, Nestlé, NovaBiochem, Novartis, Roche, Rolex, SICPA, Syngenta, etc) or join companies elsewhere in Europe or overseas. Others are now successful professors in Switzerland, Australia, Bolivia, France, Greece, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Pakistan, UK and USA.