M. Gianluca BONAGURA
Candoc FNS
+41 22 379 70 29
Gianluca Bonagura was born in Naples, Italy, in 1995. He studied at Federico II – University of Naples, where he received his BA degree in Classics (2018). Then he moved to Bologna, where he studied at Alma Mater Studiorum – UNIBO and received his MA degree in Classical Philology (2021) with the thesis ‘L’archivio di Apollonio di Bakchias: un’analisi filologico-storica’ – under the supervision of prof. Fabian Reiter. Subsequently, he moved to Ghent (2021-2022) to work, first as intern and then as affiliated researcher, in the ERC project EVWRIT ‘Everyday Writing in Graeco-Roman and Late Antique Egypt. A Socio-Semiotic Study of Communicative Variation’, led by Prof. Klaas Bentein.
Currently, he is a PhD candidate in the ‘Grammateus’ project led by prof. Paul Schubert at the University of Geneve. His task consists in examining the transition from the Roman to the Byzantine period from the perspective of the typology of tax receipts on papyri.
G. Bonagura, ‘Per una rilettura di BGU I 249’, AFP 68, 2022, 318-324.
2018-2021 MA in Classical Philology at UNIBO – University of Bologna
2015-2018 BA in Classics at Federico II – University of Naples
2021-2022 Intern, Affiliated researcher at University of Ghent
2021 Erasmus + Traineeship scholarship post lauream