Research Fellows

Máté Veres

Research Fellow

FNS Ambizione "Excellence and expertise in Hellenistic philosophy"


Curriculum Vitae

I am a Research Fellow (collaborateur scientifique, SNSF Ambizione) at the University of Geneva's Department of Philosophy. I previously worked at the University of Toronto, Canada. I also held various fellowships, including at the Harvard Center for Hellenic Studies, the University of Geneva (Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship), the University of Hamburg, and Cornell University (Fulbright scholarship).


For more information and a detailed CV, please visit my website.


Selected publications

* 'Inductive Arguments in Ancient Pyrrhonism', in M. Perälä & H. Lagerlund (eds.), The Reception of Aristotelian Induction. Cambridge University Press, accepted and forthcoming.

* 'Apraxia.' Entry in G. Veltri, R. Bett, E. Spinelli et al. (eds.), Encyclopedia of Scepticism and Jewish Tradition. Leiden: Brill, accepted and forthcoming in 2024.

* 'Conceivability and Expert Inference: Two Hellenistic Perspectives', Antiquorum Philosophia ​17 (2023), 49-64. (Special issue: Mental Experiments in Ancient Philosophy, eds. G. Cambiano & F.M. Petrucci.)

* ‘Expert Impressions in Stoicism’, Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 105/2 (2023), 241-264. (with D. Machek)

* 'Tudás és tekintély a sztoikus ismeretelméletben' [Apprehension and Authority in Stoic Epistemology], Hungarian Philosophical Review 67/1 (2023), 13-25.

* ‘L’origine de la croyance religieuse selon Sextus Empiricus’, in Sylvia Giocanti (ed.), Anthropologie sceptique et modernité. Lyon: ENS Editions, 2022, 71-84.

Attention in Ancient Philosophy. Special issue of Rhizomata: A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science, 9/2 (2021), edited with David Machek.

* ‘How to Resist Musical Dogmatism: The Aim and Methods of Pyrrhonian Inquiry in Sextus Empiricus’ Against the Musicologists (Math. 6)’, in F. Pelosi and F.M. Petrucci eds., Music and Philosophy in the Roman Empire (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021), 108-130.

* ‘Sextus Empiricus on Religious Dogmatism’, in V. Caston (ed.), Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, vol. 58 (2020), 239-280.

* ‘Keep Calm and Carry On: Sextus Empiricus on the Origins of Pyrrhonism’, Logical Analysis and the History of Philosophy 23/1 (2020), 100-122. (Special issue: Ancient Modes of Philosophical Inquiry, eds. J.K. Larsen and Ph. Steinkrüger.)

* 'Sztoicizmus vagy józan ész? A közös fogalmak Khrüszipposz filozófiájában' [Stoicism or Common Sense? The Common Concepts in the Philosophy of Chrysippus], Hungarian Philosophical Review, 64/3 (2020), 33-48. 

* 'A pürrhóni filozófia alapvonalai az Arisztoklész-testimóniumban' [The Outlines of Pyrrho's Philosophy in the Testimony of Aristocles], Elpis, 22/1 (2020), 55-67.

* ‘Theology, Innatism, and the Epicurean Self’, Ancient Philosophy 37/1 (2017), 129-152.