Archives Groupes de Recherche

Formal Approaches and Natural Language in Medieval logic

XIXth European Symposium on Medieval Logic and Semantics

Geneva, 12-16 June 2012, Théâtre « Les Salons », rue Jean François Bartholoni, 6


Tuesday 12 June

10:00-10:15          Alain de Libera (Université de Genève – EPHE, Paris): Opening of the symposium

I.  Formal Semantics: Medieval and Contemporary Issues and Strategies

10:15-11:00         Terence Parsons (University of California, Los Angeles): “There is no fundamental difference between medieval logic and contempo­rary (philosophical) logic”

11:30-12:15         Leone Gazziero (Université de Genève): “Utrum figura dictionis sit fallacia in dictione. Et quod non videtur. How Medieval Logicians Came to Account for an Odd Question by an Impossible Answer”

13:45-14:30          Ana Maria Morá-Marquez (Københavns Universitet): “13th Century Masters of Arts on Equivocation”

14:30-15:15         Harald Berger (Universität Graz): “Sortes differt ab omni homine: A Tension in Albert of Saxony’s Concept of Merely Confused Supposition”

15:45-16:30         Luca Sbordone (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa): “Semantics and Pragmatics of Reference. Elements of a contemporary theory of supposition”

II.  Medieval Semantics of Natural or Ideal Language?

 Wednesday 13 June

 09:00-09:45         Allan Bäck (Kutztown University): “Aristotelian Protocol Languages”

09:45-10:30          Raina Kirchhoff (Universität Düsseldorf) / Christoph Kann (Universität Düsseldorf): “Formal elements in natural language – Sherwood's Synca­te­go­remata

11:00-11:45          Claude Panaccio (Université du Québec à Montréal): “Ockham on Synonymy and Mental Language”

11:45-12:30          Ernesto Perini Santos (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais): “The underdetermination of the structure of mental language in Ockham and Buridan”

14:00-14:45          Joël Biard (Université de Tours): “Le langage ordinaire de Jean Buridan”

14:45-15:30          Stephen Read (University of St Andrews): “Non-Normal Propositions in Buridan’s Logic revisited”

16:00-16:45          Jennifer Ashworth (University of Waterloo): “How Natural is Natural Language? Some Post-medieval Discussions”            

16:45-17:30          Irène Rosier-Catach (CNRS-EPHE, Paris) "Logique et théologie à Port Royal: le sens "ordinaire" et "catholique" de "hoc est corpus meum"”

III. Medieval Formal Logic – Hylomorphism and Formal Validity

Thursday 14 June

14:00-14:45          Yukio Iwakuma (Fukui Prefectural University): “On Medium, a type of argumentation in the early 12th century”

14:45-15:30          John MacFarlane (University of Berkeley): “The Origins of Logical Hylomorphism”

16:00-16:45          Christopher Martin (University of Auckland): “Abelard’s Notion of Formality”

16:45-17:30          Julie Brumberg-Chaumont (CNRS, Paris): “Forme et matière dans l'analyse des raisonnements sophistiques”

Friday 15 June

09:00-09:45          Catarina Dutilh Novaes (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen): “The Form of a Syllogism – Figure or Mood?”

09:45-10:30          Paul Thom (University of Sydney): “Kilwardby on Form and Matter”

11:00-11:45          Sara Uckelman (University of Amsterdam): “Speech Acts, Propositional Attitudes, and Commitments in Formal Dialogues”

11:45-12:30         Joke Spruyt (Universiteit Maastricht): “Form and Focus”

14:00-14:45          Riccardo Strobino (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa): “Truth and Consequence in Peter of Mantua”

14:45-15:30         Mikko Yrjönsuuri (Jyväskylän Yiliopisto): “Consequentia formaliter formalis in Paul of Venice and other kinds of formal validity”

16:00-16:45          Paloma Perez-Ilzarbe (Universidad de Navarra): “Syllogism as a formal consequence: some problems concerning expository syllogisms”

17:15-18:45       Round Table: How Formal is Medieval Logic?