Enseignants et chercheurs post-doctorants

Yoann Della Croce

Dr. Yoann Della Croce



Yoann Della Croce has joined the department in 2019 as a teaching assistant. Before joining the department, he was a research and teaching assistant at the University of Lausanne's Center for Public Law. He holds a PhD (2023) and MA (2019) in Political Science (specialized in Political Theory) from the University of Geneva. His research interests are located at the interface between bioethics and normative political theory and are focused mostly (but not only) around the ethics of assisted suicide, specifically in how they pertain to law and public policy, epistemic injustice in healthcare, as well as the interplay between citizenship theory and illness. His doctoral dissertation was dedicated to the ethical problems raised by inequalities of access to assisted suicide (under the supervision of Prof. Matteo Gianni and Prof. Samia Hurst). He has published peer-reviewed articles in Bioethics, the Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, Criminal Law and Philosophy, Bioethica Forum, and Ethics, Medicine and Public Health, book reviews in the Journal of Moral Philosophy and the Journal of Applied Philosophy, as well as open peer commentaries in the American Journal of Bioethics

Domaines de recherche

Théorie politique



Normative political theory; Bioethics; End-of-life ethics; Epistemic injustice; Citizenship








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