
Infrastructure technique et analytique des Maraîchers

  • Cathodoluminescence lab

    We study the microstructures of samples including, thickness, grain size, mineralogy, morphology, growth texture, luminescence, zoning, and post formation deformation (shearing direction, twins-morphology in carbonate etc.) and alteration. We use cathodoluminescence instrument of New Tec with automated stage to image the whole thin section. Together with XPL and PPL imaging we can constrain the growth mechanisms and differentiate between growth phases and identify zoning, mixing, and potential dissolution and reprecipitation processes.

    For information please contact:

    Perach Nuriel, Phone: +41 22 37 96611 Email


    Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) laboratory (MFK1 Kappabridges, AGICO) used to quantify geometries and intensity of deformation fabrics in rocks. The laboratory is principally employed to determine the modalities of emplacement of plutons, lava flows, dykes and pyroclastic flows.

    For information please contact:

    Luca Caricchi, Phone: +41 (0)22.379.66.30 Email


    Multi-collector (four 10^13 Ohm and one 10^12 Ohm Faraday collectors, and one CDD multiplier) gas source ARGUS VI mass spectrometer built by Thermo Scientific, dedicated to high sensitivity Ar isotopic analyses. The facility is equipped with a CO2-IR laser, and a 193nmArF excimer laser for in-situ Ar isotopic measurements (as small as 1 micron by 1 micron square pits). The facility is fully automated.

    For information please contact:

    Richard Spikings, Phone: +41 22 379 31 76, Email


    The AC-280 Automated Calcimeter is a computer-automated multi-sample instrument for determining the ratio of calcite to dolomite in up to 20 core or soil samples. Normal testing time can be from a few minutes to over 45 minutes. The operator can configure test completion to be based on either a preset time increment or completion can be based on stable pressure conditions. All entered and measured data is logged to a file on the computer and can be viewed at any time.

    For information please contact:

    Nina Zeyen, Phone: +41 22 379 6618 Email


    Cathodoluminescence (CL) is the emission of light from material when it is irradiated with electrons. The technique is used for imaging spatial variations in the trace element composition of natural (e.g. calcite, diamond, feldspar and apatite) and synthetic materials. We have a cold cathode: a) CITL 8200 Mk 5-1 mounted on a Leitz Orthoplan petrological microscope and b) ERI-MRTech mounted on a Olympus BX41 petrological microscope, both available for optical CL studies.

    For information please contact:

    Agathe Martignier, Phone: 41 22 379 31 64 , Email


    Two class-10000 clean labs with class-100 laminar flow work-benches are used for ion exchange and extraction chromatography separations of respectively (i) U-Pb from zircons (and other U-rich minerals) and (ii) Pb, Sr, Nd and Cl from inorganic and organic matrices. Isotopic ratios of the above elements are subsequently measured by Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry (TIMS). The laboratory was constructed by MK Versuchsanlagen, D-35325 Mücke-Gerlau.

    For information please contact:

    Massimo Chiaradia, Phone: +41 22 379 66 34, Email

  • Crushing, milling, and shaking table facility (B34 and B35)

    Crushing and milling labs equipped with a jaw crusher and Tungsten and agate mills for whole rock preparations for geochemistry or mineral separations. A Wilfley table (shaking table) is also available for the sorting of heavy minerals.

    For information please contact:

    Geochronology group: Nuriel Perach, Phone: +41 22 379 66 11. Email
    Other groups: Antoine de Haller, Phone: +41 22 379 37, Email


    View, Capture and Measure with an All-in-One System. 4K High Accuracy digital microscope capable of capturing high resolution images and measurement data for inspection and failure analysis, at the push of a button. Allows examination at high depths. Thanks to the built-in 1 TB hard disk drive, observed images can be saved just as they are. 2D or 3D measurement can be carried out simply by operating the mouse.

    For information please contact:

    Elias Samankassou, Phone: +41 22 379 66 20, Email


    The Leica EM CPD300 is a table-top critical point dryer that gently dries, fully automatically, biological specimens such as foraminifers, pollens, organic matter, bacteria, tissues, plants, insects, etc. for SEM analysis.

    For information please contact:

    Agathe Martignier, Phone: +41 22 379 31 64, Email


    Description equipment

    The JEOL JXA-iHP200F hyperprobe is an electron probe micro analyser allowing the quantitative measurement of the chemical composition (all elements from B to U) of solid material at high spatial resolution (1-3 μm) using a Wave Dispersive System (WDS). Elemental mapping can be performed using the WDS system in combination with an Energy Dispersive System (EDS). Analyses are performed in combination with the possibility of sample imaging in secondary electron and back-scattered electron mode at magnification up to 300,000 X. The instrument is equipped with a soft X-ray emission spectrometer (SXES) to measure light elements (e.g. B, O, Cl, F, S) in concentrations down to few tens of parts per million. Additionally, the SXES permits the determination of the oxidation state of Fe. The sample holder accommodates samples in round epoxy mounts (2.54 cm ⌀), standard thin sections (27 mm x 46 mm) but other shapes can be considered. Analyses are performed on surfaces that are polished, flat, clean and carbon coated prior to analysis.


    Instrument: JEOL JXA-iHP200F hyperprobe Characteristics:
    - Field emission gun (In-lens Shottky Plus FEG)
    - 4 WDS spectrometers
    - EDS system
    - Fast elemental mapping
    - SXES detector; detectable energy range: 100-2300 eV; spatial resolution: 250 nm
    - Accelerating voltage: 1-30 kV
    - Secondary electron and back scattered electron detectors

    Samples are analysed under vacuum conditions

    For information please contact:

    Luca Caricchi (Responsible). Phone: +41 22 37 96 630, Email
    Charline Lormand (Lab Manager). Phone: +41 379 66 72, Email

    Schedule of the lab
    For bookings, users are invited to email the contact person directly.


    The geophysical fluid dynamics laboratory is designed for the study of geophysical phenomena by means of analogue modelling. Current investigations focus on: Convective instabilities, granular flows, two-phase flow, and particle terminal velocity and aggregation with a vertical wind tunnel.

    For information please contact:

    Costanza Bonadonna, Phone: +41 22 379 30 55, Email


    The Fluid inclusion microthermometry laboratory  offers three fluid  inclusion heating-freezing stages (-220 to +600°C), including the possibility of near-infrared microthermometry:

    • Linkam THMSG 600 stage mounted on a Leica DMLB microscope, with 100x objective for microthermometry of transparent minerals ;
    • USGS stage and one Linkham FTIR 600 stage mounted on an Olympus BH2 microscope, with 80x objective, for near-infrared microthermometry of opaque minerals, equipped with one Hamamatsu C2400 infrared camera and one Hitachi KP-161 CCD camera.
    • High-temperature Linkam TS 1500 heating stage (up to 1500°C) for magmatic fluid inclusion and melt inclusion studies.

    For information please contact:

    Robert Moritz, Phone: +41 22 379 66 33, Email

    Schedule of the Lab


    Autoscan designed fission-track data acquisition facility based around a state-of-the-art Zeiss Axio-imager Z1M optical microscope and ultra-high precision translation stage, with automated data collection software.

    For information please contact:

    Richard Spikings, Phone: +41 22 379 31 76, Email


    Multi-collector (four 10^12 Ohm and one 10^11 Ohm Faraday collectors, and five CDD multipliers) gas source MC HELIX mass spectrometer built by Thermo Scientific, dedicated to high resolution Ar isotopic analyses. The facility is equipped with a resistance furnace (maximum temperature 2000°C), a CO2-IR laser, and a 193nmArF excimer laser for in-situ Ar isotopic measurements (as small as 1 micron by 1 micron square pits). The facility is fully automated.

    For information please contact:

    Urs Schaltegger, +41 22 379 66 38, Email

  • High-precision U-Pb dating of accessory minerals

    We have many years of experience with U-Pb geochronology of accessory minerals in magmatic and metamorphic systems (e.g., zircon, apatite, monazite, rutile, titanite, perovskite, baddeleyite). State-of-the-art procedures include chemical abrasion of zircon, single and double-isotope tracer (ET535, ET2535) for both Pb and U isotope analysis, allowing us to correct for isotope fractionation online, lowest procedural Pb blanks of 100-200 femtograms, leading to an age resolution of ± 150'000 years for a single analyses, and ± 40'000 years for a cluster of 4 points. The infrastructure consists of:

    a) Lowest-blank clean room facility (class 100) for isotope analysis of accessory minerals (single grains), used for the chemical preparation of mineral grains for high-precision U-Pb geochronology, trace element and Hf isotope analysis. Quality assessment is carried out by repeated analysis of Earthtime synthetic solutions (ET100, ET500, ET2000) as well as zircon reference materials, such as Plesovice, Temora, R33, GJ-1 and others.

    b) Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometer Finnigan TRITON (installed in January 2006) is mainly used for high-precision U-Pb dating of zircon (plus other U-rich minerals). It is equipped with 9 Faraday cups, 1 discrete-dynode SEM, and an arrangement of 6 channeltron ion counters for Os isotopic analyses. The Faraday cups can be connected to amplifiers with either 1011Ω (n=5) or 1013Ω (n=5) resistors, the upgrade to the 1013Ω resistors dates from 2018.

    c) Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometer - Isotopx PHOENIX, purchased in 2016, is optimised for high-sensitivity U-Pb geochronology. It is equipped with ATONA faraday cups and a Daly-based ion-counting system using a Hamamatsu photo-multiplier, demonstrated to be linear up to 2.5 Mcps.

    For information please contact:

    Maria Ovtcharova, Phone: +41 22 37 96600 Email

  • High pressure laboratory

    This laboratory hosts four René 41 and four Molybdenum-Hafnium Carbide (MHC) pressure vessel apparatuses, all with rapid-quench capability. Two of the MHC pressure vessel apparatuses are equipped with semi-permeable hydrogen membrane to facilitate accurate redox control. Additional equipment includes a 320-ton end-loaded piston cylinder apparatus equipped with 14 and 19 mm diameter bore pressure vessels (prototype design from Strecon AS), a 1550 oC controlled-atmosphere furnace (CO-CO2 mix) and 1650 oC and 1100 oC atmospheric box furnaces.

    For information please contact:

    Zoltan Zajacz - (022 37)9 6622

  • Laser Ablation ICP-MS laboratory

    This laboratory hosts an NWR-193 HE laser ablation system attached to an Agilent 8900 triple-quadrupole ICP-MS. The instrument was configured to be optimal for the analysis of fluid and melt inclusions in minerals and it also provides outstanding performance for most geochemical applications. The laser ablation system is characterized by excellent visual sample observation, high level of flexibility with beam-size and shape selection (IVA and XYR aperture systems), high attainable laser energy densities on the sample surface to facilitate the controlled ablation of quartz, a two-volume ablation cell and a sophisticated and user-friendly control software. The Agilent 8900 ICP-MS provides very high sensitivities and low backgrounds, and the system is used and maintained in a manner to preserve very low gas blanks and provide excellent limits of detection for most elements. Applications relying on the triple quadrupole design, such as in situ Sr isotope ratio determinations in minerals and glasses are currently being developed. The system shares a room with a Neptune Plus multi-collector ICP-MS, to which the laser ablation system can also be connected. Split-stream application with the simultaneous use of the two mass spectrometers is under development.

    For information please contact:

    Alexandra Tsay - (022 37) 96688


    This device measures ATP (adenosine-5’-triphosphate) that provides chemical energy for cell metabolism in both sediments and waters. As ATP cannot be stored or preserved, it is an indicator of in situ bacterial activity

    For information please contact:

    Nina Zeyen, Phone: +41 22 379 66 18 Email


    This device measures relative elemental variations (qualitative) in solids and liquids by X-ray fluorecence at ultra high resolution (~50 µm scale) under both atmospheric and vacuum conditions.

    It can be used in:

    • 10 cm pieces of sediment cores
    • thin-sections
    • water samples
    • powders

    For information please contact:

    Nina Zeyen, Phone: +41 22 379 66 18 Email


    Our department is featuring classical sample preparation and mineral separation facilities: jaw-crusher, rotating disk mill, tungsten carbide and agate ring mills, Wilfely table, two Frantz magnetic separators, heavy liquid separation facility mainly using methylene iodide and sodium poly-tungstate solution.

    For information please contact:

    Nuriel Perach, Phone: +41 22 379 66 11. Email


    This non-destructive analyses indicates the behaviour of any material when it is exposed to an external magnetic field. It is ideal to detect variations in the nature and sources of magnetic minerals and, thus, determining the paleoenviromental history of a basin. It is also a very good method to correlate different cores within a basin

    For information please contact:

    Nina Zeyen, Phone: +41 22 379 66 18 Email


    Since 2012 a NEPTUNE Plus multicollector ICP-MS is installed in the ICP center of the Faculty of Science. The instrument is equipped with 9 Farady cups, 3 full-size discrete-dynode SEM's, two of them featuring an RPQ, and 4 compact discrete dynode SEM's. Analyses can be carried out in solution mode (through an ARIDUS desolvation nebulizer) or by laser ablation of solids (using a Photon Machines 193nm UV laser system). The machine can carry out precise isotope ratio analysis of a range of radioactive, radiogenic and stable isotope systems.

    For information please contact:

    Massimo Chiaradia, Phone: +41 22 379 66 34, Email


    The particle characterization lab is equipped for grain size, morphologic and densimetric analysis. The available instruments and facilities are: (1) Laser diffraction (CILAS) for grain size analyses on particles with a diameter smaller than 1 mm; (2) Microscopy (Integrated in the laser diffraction instrument) for particle morphology analysis; (3) Sieving for grain size analyses on particles with diameter larger than 32 microns; and (4) Hydrostatic balance for volumetric and densimetric analyses.

    For information please contact:

    Costanza Bonadonna, Phone: +41 22 379 30 55, Email


    C, H, N, and S analyzer in solids (powders)

    The device includes

    • CHNS elemental analyzer
    • Autobalance with interface

    For information please contact:

    Nina Zeyen, Phone: +41 22 379 66 18 Email


    Multi-collector (four 10^12 Ohm and one 10^11 Ohm Faraday collectors, and five CDD multipliers) gas source MC HELIX mass spectrometer built by Thermo Scientific, dedicated to high resolution Ar isotopic analyses. The facility is equipped with a resistance furnace (maximum temperature 2000°C), a CO2-IR laser, and a 193nmArF excimer laser for in-situ Ar isotopic measurements (as small as 1 micron by 1 micron square pits). The facility is fully automated.

    For information please contact:

    Richard Spikings, Phone: +41 22 379 31 76, Email


    QEMSCAN technology relies on automated scanning electron microscopy where mineral identification is based on the combination of back-scattered electron values, energy-dispersive X-ray spectra, and X-ray count rates. The measurements results typically consist of high-resolution mineralogical maps offering a large set of quantitative mineralogical and petrographic data. Quantitative mineral analysis have a wide range of applications – for example in reservoir rock characterization (e.g. lithotyping, porosity quantification, particle size analyses), mining and mineral processing (e.g. mineral associations, phase liberations), as well as in fundamental research of geological (e.g. rock/soil mapping, mineral zonation studies) and man-made material materials (e.g. archaeological materials, concrete).

    For information please contact:

    Antoine De Haller, +41 22 379 66 07, Email
    Andrea Moscariello, +41 22 37 966 10, Email
    Kalin Kouzmanov, + 41 22 379 68 93, Email


    Labram microspectrometer equipped with a green laser (532 nm) and a red laser (632 nm) for identification of minerals and gas species in fluid inclusions. Calibrated for quantitative analyses of CO2-CH4-N2 mixtures.

    For information please contact:

    Robert Moritz, Phone: +41 22 379 66 33, Email
    Zoltan Zajacz, Phone: +41 22 379 66 22, Email

    Schedule of the Lab

  • Raman spectroscopy laboratory

    This laboratory hosts a Horiba LabRAM HR Evolution UV-VIS-NIR Raman spectrometer equipped with 405, 457 and 532 nm lasers, 600 and 1800 gr/mm gratings and a liquid nitrogen-cooled back-illuminated deep depleted 1024 X 256 pixel CCD detector. The system has an open space microscope and is optimized for conducting in situ spectroscopic experiments up to magmatic temperatures. Another strength of the system is the analysis of fluid and melt inclusions in minerals due to its excellent confocality, high signal to noise ratio and the DuoScan accessory which facilitates rapid small-scale mapping and signal acquisition from extended sample volume (e.g. for bulk inclusion analysis or to prevent sample damage due to laser heating). An older Dilor LabRAM 010 Raman spectrometer equipped with 532 and 633 nm lasers and Peltier cooled CCD detector is also available and is primarily used for routine applications such as mineral identification.

    For information please contact:

    Stefan Farsang - (022 37) 96676


    The sedimentology laboratory is one of the core laboratories of the DESTE. The laboratory has facility for both wet and dry sample analysis. The wet analysis includes the preparation of samples for textural, mineralogical, geochemical and clay mineralogical analysis. The laboratory has a modern core cutter machine and a deep freezer for storing and archiving the sediment samples and sediment cores. The dry unit of the laboratory has a facility for sieving the sediment samples for grain size distribution, and for dissolving sedimentary rocks in order to separate microfossil. The laboratory is used extensively by the research students/project fellows and at a given time more than 5-6 people work in the laboratory.

    For information please contact:

    Nino Isabella, Phone: +41 22 379 66 06, Email


    Analytical Thermal Field Emission SEM with a hot (Schottky) electron gun that is optimised for analytical applications. It offers very high beam currents with excellent stability even at lower acceleration voltages. . Its specificities are: High resolution; Multi-purpose specimen chamber; Low Vacuum capability. The SEM is equipped with an Energy dispersive X-ray analyser EDS JED2300 and a Cathodoluminescence detector. This last is used for high resolution work, or for minerals that have a poor or UV light emission.

    For information please contact:

    Agathe Martignier, Phone: 41 22 379 31 64 , Email


    Laboratory equipped for sawing and sectioning of rocks: thin sections (30 µm) for microscopical investigation in transmitted light, both covered and polished; polished sections for microscopy of opaque minerals in reflected light, double-side polished sections for fluid inclusion studies.

    For information please contact:

    Luca Caricchi, Phone: +41 22 379 66 30, Email
    Malik Meghazi, Phone: +41 22 379 31 78, Email
    Jean-Marie Boccard, Phone: +41 22 379 66 42, Email


    The Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometer Finnigan TRITON (installed in January 2006) is mainly used for high-precision U-Pb dating of zircon (plus other U-rich minerals). It is equipped with 9 Faraday cups, 1 discrete-dynode SEM, and an arrangement of 6 channeltron ion counters for Os isotopic analyses. The Faraday cups can be connected to amplifiers with either 1011Ω (n=5) or 1013Ω (n=5) resistors, the upgrade to the 1013Ω resistors dates from 2018.

    For information please contact:

    Maria Ovtcharova, Phone: +41 22 379 66 00, Email
    Nuriel Perach, Phone: +41 22 379 66 11. Email

  • High-precision U-Pb dating of carbonates

    U-Pb ID-TIMS analyses (Isotope dilution thermal ionization mass spectrometry) of minerals with low-uranium (<1 ppm) and variable lead concentrations are usually conducted following LA-ICPMS analyses. We work on 5 to 10 aliquots per sample in order to achieve variation in U/Pb and to be able to calculate an isochron in the Terra-Wasserburg concordia plot. For each aliquot a millimeter-sized chip or 0.5 to 4 mg powder of the material is carefully extracted using a micro drilling device. We use EARTHTIME 205Pb-233U-235U tracer and process the sample via two steps modified HBr anion exchange chromatography to separate Pb and U from other elements. We measure the isotopic ratios on either the Thermo TRITON or the IsotopX mass spectrometers. Total procedural blanks measured at UNIGE are usually low, yielded an average of 1.15 pg. Data reduction and uncertainty propagation are performed using Tripoli and an Microsoft Excel-based spreadsheet that uses the well-established algorithm in the U-Pb dating community.

    For information please contact:

    Maria Ovtcharova, Phone: +41 22 37 96600 Email

  • High-precision U-Th dating of carbonates

    The U-Th lab at UNIGE will be constructed in September 2024. We follow standard column separation procedure for the extraction of U and Th fractions from bulk sample. To ensure minimal blank corrections during this step, we work in a clean and safe lab environment using a metal-free laminar flow-boxes with automated control on airflow and ventilation to protect for samples contamination while ensuring user safety. We will also work with a prepFAST system, designed specifically for automated U and Th column-chemistry separation, and helps working with large number of analyses.

    For information please contact:

    Perach Nuriel, Phone: +41 22 37 96611 Email


    Our X-ray diffraction (XRD) instrument is a Philips X’pert, equipped with a PW3710 MPD diffractometer control unit and a PW3020 vertical goniometer. It includes an automatic sample changer, and is used routinely for phase identification and quality control. This instrument is located in the Ecole de Physique, laboratory of crystallography.

    For information please contact:

    Radovan Černý, Phone: +41 22 379 64 50, Email


    This laboratory is designed to produce: fusion beads (electric furnace PANALYTICAL, EAGON-2) used for major elements analysis and pressed pellets (manual press) used for trace elements analysis. Analyses are conducted at the XRF laboratory of the University of Lausanne.
    Fully equipped crushing rooms are available for use upon reservation.

    For information please contact:

    Antoine de Haller, Phone: +41 22 379 66 37, Email


    Major element analyses (SiO2, TiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, MnO, MgO, CaO, Na2O, K2O, P2O5, Cr2O3, NiO) are performed on glass pellets (40 mm in diameter); limit of detections are of the order of 0.01%. Trace element analyses (Sc-V-Cr-Mn-Co-Ni-Cu-Zn-Ga-Ge-As-Se-Br-Rb-Sr-Y-Zr-Nb-Mo-Ag-Cd-Sn-Sb-Te-I-Cs-Ba-La-Ce-Nd-Sm-Yb-Hf-Ta-W-Hg-Tl-Pb-Bi-Th-U) are performed on pressed pellets (also 40 mm in diameter); limits of detections vary from 1 to 5 ppm depending on the elements.

    The following analytical programs are available: high-SiO2 rocks; low-SiO2 rock; carbonate rocks and cements; phosphate rocks; Mn- and Fe-rich materials. A semi-quantitative program (Omnian – no sample preparation needed) allows analyses of F and U with a limit of detection of 100 ppm.

    Equipment: Panalytical Axios Max, Tube anode au Rhodium, Tension d’analyse 4 kW.

    For information please contact:

    Robert Moritz, Phone: +41 22 379 66 33, Email
    Antoine de Haller, Phone: +41 22 379 66 37, Email

Voir la liste des équipements des Maraîchers