For collaborators

Companies interests

Here we post some expressed interests of companies who are willing to make innovation through partnerships with researchers.



  • Procter and Gamble (P&G)

If you would like to submit a solution, please go to the P&G Innovation Brief Response Form and complete with the requested information.

  • Smart Sensing for Manufacturing HVAC: P&G is looking for innovative solutions that can help the team measure temperature, relative humidity, differential pressure, and particle size count and validate when thresholds are passed. (Location: US)
  • Engineering Change Management - Process Optimization: P&G would like to explore technologies that enable planning and management of engineering changes & Phase In / Phase Out (PIPO) requirements of vendor produced materials between material suppliers and vendors. (Location: US)
  • Automation of Peripheral Activities: P&G is preparing to use autonomous vehicles in certain facilities in the US which will remove the need for drivers of these trailers. With that, there will no longer be an operator to perform non-driving tasks, or peripheral activities. P&G is looking for innovative solutions that can help the team automate these processes. (Location: US and Europe)
  • Medium Haul Trucking - Sustainable Fuel & Emission Reduction: In the area of logistics, the reduction of logistics related emissions is critical for companies to meet Net Zero / Sustainability commitments. In this space, technologies that reduce Scope 1 emissions (produced by company owned vehicles) and Scope 3 emissions (produced by third party / contracted logistics service providers) are developing rapidly. P&G wishes to explore technology solutions that reduce CO2 emissions for Medium Haul modes. Specifically, the requirements should mainly be focused on alternative sources of energy needed for trucks (e.g., alternative fuels, solar energy, retrofits, etc.).
  • High-Speed Automation of Pad Handling & Packing: 

    P&G is developing a new automated line for small pad products and is looking for automation solutions that can achieve a high throughput rate with flexibility for changing configurations and volumes. The specific processes that they are looking to automate are: The high-speed stacking of pads into groups and Carton forming for complex packaging designs


  • logo_csl_behring_rgb_zusatz_unten.jpgCSL Behring: CSL’s Research Acceleration Initiative aims to fast-track discovery of innovative biotherapies through partnerships between CSL and global research organisations.The 2021 Research Acceleration Initiative will focus on research proposals that align with a CSL Therapeutic Area and are amenable to or include a Modality as illustrated below. 

           Please see over page for specific Focus Areas. 



  • Novartis Research Foundationnew call for proposals for FreeNovation, the funding program of the Novartis Research Foundation. The topics this year are:
    • Regulation of mitochondrial function
    • Pre-symptomatic detection of metabolic diseases
    • Immune memory of tissues
  • Here are the Guidelines for Applicants and the topic descriptions for the 2022 call.

    The deadline for submission of proposals is April 16th, 2022.

    Please visit  for more information, including short project descriptions of the winners in 2020 and 2021.