Our ecosystem



Geneva has a dense innovation ecosystem, where you can find all what you need to create your successful company.  This network consists of incubators, various experts in different fields from academy and industry, investors, potential clients.

At the University, we are part of the network Unige Innovation, which brings together initiatives such as the Hub in other faculties.

We also benefit from a strong support of the State of Geneva.




Swiss network

The University of Geneva, through the Science Innovation Hub and the Equal Opportunities and Diversity office, is part of the FemSpin network.

This collaborative project of the Federal Institutes of Technology at Zurich (ETHZ) and Lausanne (EPFL), the Paul Scherrer Institute, the Universities of Zurich, Basel, Bern and Geneva, as well as the Swiss universities of applied sciences in Western (HES-SO), Southern (SUPSI) and Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW) aims at promoting equal opportunities in the field of spin-off activities by setting a specific focus on women.