The sector "Didactics" fo the Section of Educational Sciences of the Faculty is made of the following research groups:

Didactics and epistemology of social sciences
led by Prof. François Audigier

Didactics of Mathematics in Geneva (DiMaGe)
led by Prof. Jean-Luc Dorier

Laboratory of Didactics and Epistemology of Sciences (LDES)
led by Laurent Dubois

Didactics and epistemology of physical education in Geneva (DEEP.Ge)
led by Benoît Lenzen (MER).

Research Group on Comparative Didactics
led by Prof. Francia Leutenegger

First and Second Language Education and Teacher Education: Language Didactics (GRAFE) [Research Group for the Analysis of Taught French]
led by Prof. Bernard Schneuwly and Prof. Joaquim Dolz-Mestre