(From left to right on the picture : Marion Bourqui, Grégoire Python, Cyrielle Demierre, Marina Laganaro, Logan Bars, Julie Franco, Bryan Sanders, Marie Couvreu, Monica Lancheros Pompeyo, Michael De Pretto)
The NeuroPsychoLinguistic team has been founded in 2008 thanks to the support of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF professorship project N. PP001-118969).
We study language and speech production in neurotypical adults, and language and speech disorders in brain damaged adults (aphasia and motor speech disorders) using psycholinguistics, neuropsychological, and electrophysiological approaches Current
Ongoing funded projects :
- Sinergia project SNSF 2021-25: ChaSpeePro, Characterisation of motor speech disorders and processes (SNSF CRSII5_202228, PI: Marina Laganaro, in collaboration with Cécile Fougeron, Paris3; Ina Kodrasi, IDIAP-EPFL; Frederic Assal, HUG).
- In the context of NCCR Evolving Languages: WP: Speech Articulation (V. Dellwo, M. Laganaro) & WP:DigitalForDisorders (S. Brem, M. Laganaro)
Completed projects :
- Sinergia project SNSF 2017-20: MoSpeeDi: Motor Speech Disorders: characterizing phonetic speech planning and motorspeech pr ogramming/execution and their impairments (SNSF CRSII5_173711, PI: Marina Laganaro, in collaboration with F.Assal, HUG; H. Bourlard, IDIAP-EPFL; C. Fougeron, Paris3).
- SNSF project 2016-19: Dynamics of word production across the lifespan (SNSF 100014_165647) Co-PIs: Marina Laganaro & Pascal Zesiger)
- SNSF project 2013-17: Dynamics of facilitation and interference during speech production in healthy speakers and in speakers with aphasia: behavioural and ERP investigation (SNSF 105314_146113) PI: Marina Laganaro
-Challenging the Double-Deficit Hypothesis in reading disabled and typically developing school-aged children using behavioral and ERP approaches (P. Zesiger & M. Laganaro): 2016-2017. PI: Marina Laganaro
- SNSF project 2013-16: in collaboration with P. Zesiger (Acquisition and language disorders team): . Rapid naming and reading skills in school-aged children: A behavioural and ERP approach to the contribution of lexical phonological processes. (SNSF 100014_149595). PI: Marina Laganaro