Sept 23 2022: PhD defence of Mrs Ida Calvi
On the 23rd of September 2022, Mrs Ida Calvi successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled "The role of protein phosphatases in the regulation of cell polarity establishment in C.elegans embryos". Her thesis was conducted under the direction of Pr. Monica Gotta from the Department of Cell physiology and metabolism.
Cell polarity is a fundamental property of many cells and it is required for the development of any organisms. The one-cell C. elegans embryo is polarized along the anterior-posterior axis and this is essential for asymmetric cell division, a specialized division that results in two cells with a different size and fate. The PhD thesis of Ida Calvi aimed to investigate the role of protein phosphatases, little studed so far, in the establishment and maintenance of polarity in the one-cell C. elegans embryo.
She will stay until the end of October in the laboratory of Pr. Monica Gotta and then move at the Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research (FMI) in Basel to study polarity (and not only) in human placental organids.
23 Sept 2022