The Routledge Handbook of Taxation and Philanthropy, H. Peter & G. Lideikyte Huber (Eds.), Routledge, 2021
The table of contents of the Handbook is available here.
Supply Chain Management and Sustainability: The New Boundaries of the Firm, Uniform Law Review, L. Ventura, n. 3, 2021, 599–634
Foundations in Europe from a tax perspective: observations and trends, G. Lideikyte Huber, Comparative Highlights of Foundation Laws (The Operating Environment for Foundations in Europe), 10/2021, pp.24-25.
Corporations as new philanthropists, S. Bey, H. Peter, Alliance magazine, 13.09.21
Erfolgreiche Führung dank Diversität, A. Kratz-Ulmer, SPV, Special Edition 8/2021, pp. 28-30.
The Importance Of The « G » - An example from an ESG-Investing Foundation, D. Bottge, J. Dif, Philanthropy Impact Magazine, 07/2021, pp.31-32.
Une cohabitation à impact, D. Bottge, Fondations Actionnaires & Investisseurs : un intérêt commun ? Philrouge, 07/2021, p.55.
Foundation Diversity Management: Wo stehen wir diesbezüglich in der Schweiz?, A. Kratz-Ulmer, Stiftung & Sponsoring, 4/2021, pp.14-15.
Diversity in Swiss Foundation Boards, A. Kratz-Ulmer, L. Gill, Expert Focus, 04/2021, pp.219-222.
Sociétés hybrides, entreprises sociales, B-Corp: Le droit suisse est-il approprié?, H. Peter, V. Pfammatter, SZW / RSDA, 03/2021, pp. 289-301.
Switzerland: Reassessing Tax Incentives, Data Collection & Sector Transparency, G. Lideikyte Huber, PANL Perspectives, Carlton University, 31.03.2021
The OECD Report on Taxation and Philanthropy - Main findings and policy options for Switzerland, G. Lideikyte Huber & H. Peter, Expert Focus, 2/2021, pp.108-112.
Personelle Diversität im obersten Organ, A. Kratz-Ulmer, SZS 1/2021, p. 3-6.
The Foundation owned Company model: the path to build tomorrow society by unifying long-termism and philanthropic impact, D. Bottge, Philanthropy Impact, 01/2021, pp.12-14.