

Download the list of GCP publications 2020

Publications 2020

OECD (2020), Taxation and philanthropy, OECD Tax Policy Studies, No. 27, OECD Publishing, Paris.

Taxation and philanthropy, Policy brief, OECD and Geneva Centre for Philanthropy, 11/2020 (version en français).

Tax incentives for Charitable Giving as a Policy Instrument: Theoretical Discussion and Latest Economic Research, G. Lideikyte Huber, World Tax Journal, Q3 2020, 8/2020

Le “società benefit” nel mondo: un’analisi comparata, L. Ventura, Societa' benefit. Profili giuridici ed economico-aziendali, C. Bellavite Pellegrini, R. Caruso eds., EGEA, Milano, 2020, pp.115-126.

Hybride Rechtsformen für das soziale Unternehmertum. Die italienische Società Benefit und die deutsche Perspektive, L. Ventura & Thomas Schüßler, Recht der Internationalen Wirtschaft, n. 7, 2020, pp. 405-411.

Redistribuer le sang: le confisquer, le vendre ou le donner?, E. Tieffenbach, Donner de son sang, ouvrage collectif sous la direction de Jean-Daniel Tissot et Philippe Schneider, Edition Favre, Lausanne-Paris, 07/2020, pp. 223-251.

Réparation du dommage infligé à des biens culturels, P. Fischer, LawInside, 4/2020.

Wirkungsvollere stiftungstätigkeit mittels "Foundations Diversity Management", A. Kratz-Ulmer, SZW-RSDA, 4/2020, pp.460-465.

Compensation of nonprofit board members - A new end that justifies the means? G. Jacquemet, NORRAG special issue 04, New Philanthropy and the Disruption of Global Education, pp.75-79.

Digitale Transformation in Förderstiftungen, A. Kratz-Ulmer & J. Schudel, Stiftung & Sponsoring, 4/2020, p. 24 ss. 

Encouraging Sustainable Investments with Direct Tax Reliefs: Swiss and EU State Aid Framework, G. Lideikyte Huber/H. Peter, IFF Forum für Steuerrecht, 3/2020.

Mehr Vielfalt in Stiftungsräten, A. Kratz-Ulmer,  Fundraiser-Magazin, 02/2020, pp.48-49.

Supply Chain and Sustainability. A Research for the Human-Centred Business Model Project, L. Ventura, Comparazione e diritto civile, n. 2, 2020, pp. 583-623.

Voyage au pays des fondations actionnaires - 1er guide pratique, les guides pratiques de Prophil, 01/2020. Un guide conçu et édité par Prophil, en collaboration avec le cabinet Delsol Avocats et De Facto. 

Contribution de D. Bottge, Academic fellow du Centre.

Public procurement e sostenibilità. Convergenze trasversali dei sistemi giuridici contemporanei, L. Ventura, Diritto del commercio internazionale, n. 1, 2020, pp. 243-282.

The Essential Role of Enterprises for an Inclusive and Sustainable Development: Towards a New Uniform Model Law for the Social Enterprise?, L. Ventura, 17 European Company Law Journal, n. 1, 2020, pp. 7-14.

Les fondations face au COVID 19, A. Kratz-Ulmer, Aspects, 1/2020, p. 41.