Research Projects

Problem solving as an object or means of teaching at the heart of learning in the mathematics classroom: a unifying point of view based on studies in different contexts

This research project federates around 13 researchers of various levels and backgrounds a set of more or less advanced work on teaching of or by problem solving in mathematics classes from the beginning of primary school to the end of high school.




Doing mathematics is above all about solving problems, not learning formulas by rote to apply. This fundamental principle has been at the heart of most educational policies in mathematics since at least the 1980s. Theoretical or action-orientated research has been carried out in this sense under different names (open problems, research situations, inquiry-based learning, problem solving/posing, etc.). Nevertheless, studies show that teachers' practices do not evolve much, which is why several European projects have focused on the professional development of teachers and have proposed resources, such as the PRIMAS project in which our team participated. However, few studies question in depth and in the long term the actual learning achieved in these different settings, nor focus on the differentiated effects according to certain student profiles.


Our project


We propose to question and evaluate the effects on students' learning of the practice of problem solving in mathematics classrooms according to various theoretical frameworks related to mathematics didactics or evaluation. We rely on various past, current, and beginner work of the team in different school levels where problem solving is either a means or an object of instruction. On the one hand, we will try to evaluate how the learning of classical mathematical themes can be achieved mainly through problem solving. On the other hand, we seek to better determine what can be learned when we focus on problem solving independently of mathematical content, then how students can identify this knowledge and constructed know-how and what help can be provided to them, and finally how institutionalization can be managed.


Here you will find the complete project's description (in French).


You will also find here the interim scientific report, written at the halfway point of the project written in May 2020(in French).