Unité d'études chinoises

Claudia Berger

Mme Claudia Berger

Chargée d'enseignement (jusqu'en 2023)





Claudia Berger était chargée d'enseignement du chinois moderne à l'Université de Genève jusqu'en 2023, principalement pour les étudiant-es du Baccalauréat académique de 1re et 2e années, mais aussi en formation continue. Après une première formation en sciences de l'éducation à l'Ecole Normale de Neuchâtel (devenue la HEP BEJUNE), elle a obtenu une Licence ès lettres de chinois et d'anglais de l'Université de Genève en 1993. Elle s'intéresse à la linguistique appliquée, notamment dans le cadre de l'enseignement du chinois et du français langues 2, à tous les domaines impliquant les compétences plurilingues et multiculturelles des élèves du primaire et de secondaire en Suisse, ainsi qu'à la formation des enseignants en didactique des langues. D'autre part, elle a lancé en 2008 un projet intitulé ChineWeb grâce auquel elle fait des recherches sur l'usage des technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) dans l'enseignement du chinois.

Domaines de recherche et publications

Didactique des langues, syntaxe et lexique du chinois moderne L2, interculturalité.


Claudia Berger is a lecturer at the University of Geneva in Switzerland, where she has been teaching Chinese at beginner level for near 20 years in the Faculty of Humanities, Department of East-Asian Studies, Chinese Studies, as well as in evening classes for Life Long Learning programs. She holds a master in Chinese Language and Literature, English as a minor, from the University of Geneva, since 1993. She began studying Chinese some thirty years ago after a first training in primary and secondary school education in what is today the BEJUNE Higher Institute of Teacher Education.

Her main interests are applied linguistics, notably the teaching of Chinese and French as foreign languages, intercultural competences as expected from adult learners of Chinese, but also as fundamental competences in todays multicultural Swiss primary and secondary school programs, as well as teachers' training in these domains. Moreover, since 2008 and the implementation of the Moodle Learning Management System (LMS) for the teachers community at Geneva University, she has launched a blended learning project called ChineWeb, through which she studies how to best use information and communication technologies (ICT) in teaching Chinese as a foreign language. She is currently working on a pedagogical grammar for French speaking learners which will include communicative language teaching devices for Chinese beginners' classes.

Research areas and publications

Language didactics, Modern Chinese as a second language's syntax and lexicon, intercultural issues.



Louis Catherine & Berger Claudia (parution prévue printemps 2015). Le Grand imagier chinois, Arles: Philippe Picquier, Picquier Jeunesse.

Berger, C. & Obataya, Y. (2014). Learning Chinese and Japanese Simultaneously as Third Languages: Synergy of Futility?, in Küçükler A. & Içen H., ed.: Studies on the Teaching of Asian Languages in the 21st Century, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, UK (p. 149-168).

Wang-Szilas, J., Berger, C., Zhang L., 2013. ETandem language learning integrated in the curriculum: Reflection from students' perspectives, in Proceedings of the European Distance and E-Learning Network 2013 Annual Conference, Oslo, (p. 93-102).

Wang Szilas J., Zhang L., Berger, C. (2013). Do Students Share the Same Experience in an Online Language Exchange Programme? – The Chinese-French eTandem Case. Edited by Bradley, L., Thouësny, S.: Proceedings of the EUROCALL Conference in Évora, Portugal, 20 Years of EUROCALL: Learning from the Past, Looking to the Future, Research-publishing.net (p. 250-257).

Wang, J., Berger, C., & Szilas, N. (2012). Pedagogical Design of an eTandem Chinese-French Writing Course.  Journal of Universal Computer Science (JUCS), 18(3), 393-409.

Co-auteure de diverses séquences didactiques in Perregaux, C. et al. dir. (2003). EOLE : Education et ouverture aux langues à l’école, SG/CIIP, Neuchâtel.


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