Covid-19 : analyses et commentaires

Publications scientifiques


"One Virus, Four Continents, Eight Countries: An Interdisciplinary and International Study on the Psychosocial Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic among Adults". Généreux Mélissa, Salerno Sébastien et al., International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 17, no.22: 8390, 2020.
"Beliefs in Conspiracy Theories and Misinformation About COVID-19: Comparative Perspectives on the Role of Anxiety, Depression and Exposure to and Trust in Information Sources". De Coninck David, Salerno Sébastien et al., Frontiers in Psychology. 12 : 1664-1078, 2021.
"The Evolution in Anxiety and Depression with the Progression of the Pandemic in Adult Populations from Eight Countries and Four Continents", Généreux Mélissa, Salerno Sébastien et al., International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 18, no. 9: 4845, 2021.



"Continued Confinement of Those Most Vulnerable to COVID-19", avec nottament les contributions de Claudine Burton-Jeangros, Cornelia Hummel, Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal, Johns Hopkins University Press, Volume 30, Numbers 3-4, September/December 2020


"A precise measure of the impact of the first wave of Covid-19 on life expectancy. Regional differentials in Switzerland", Philippe Wanner, Preprint, 2020

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"L'OMS ou le pouvoir subtil de l'ambivalence", Mathilde Bourrier, Comment faire?, Paris : Seuil, 2020. p. 80-87.


"Fenced In", Juliet J. Fall, EPC: Politics and Space, 2020


"COVID-19 - Le regard des sciences sociales", Fiorenza Gamba, Marco Nardone, Toni Ricciardi, Sandro Cattacin (dir.), Seismo, 2020


"La "distance sociale" est-elle vraiment sociale ?", Bernard Debarbieux, Lorenza Mondada,, 2020


Debarbieux, B. (2020). "Le confinement-cloisonnement au temps du Covid 19." Cybergeo : European Journal of Geography (on line).

































































































6 mai 2020
  Covid-19 : analyses et commentaires