Manuel Mejido Costoya

Publications et documents de travail


"South-South Cooperation and the Promise of Experimentalist Governance: The ASEAN Smart Cities Network," Politics and Governance 10, no. 2 (April/June), thematic issue on Developing Countries and the Crisis of the Multilateral Order, edited by Wil Hout and Michal Onderco, 116-127.


"Becoming More Effective Community Problem Solvers: Faith-Based Organizations, Civic Capacity and the Homelessness Crisis in Puget Sound" (with Margaret Breen), in Land of Stark Contrasts: Faith-Based Responses to Homelessness in the United States, edited by Manuel Mejido Costoya (New York: Fordham University Press), 72-116.

"Introduction," in Land of Stark Contrasts: Faith-Based Responses to Homelessness in the United States, edited by Manuel Mejido Costoya (New York: Fordham University Press), 1-47.


"Faith-Based Responses to Homelessness in Greater Seattle: A Grounded Theory Approach" (with Margaret Breen), Social Compass, published through Online First (26 November 2020): 1-19.  In print: vol. 68, no. 1 (March 2021): 42-60.


“Harnessing the Second Demographic Dividend: Population Ageing and Social Protection in Asia and the Pacific,” Social Development Working Paper no. 2019/03, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok.  Earlier, unabridged draft: "Fostering Inclusive Growth and Promoting Intergenerational Equity in Asia-Pacific."


Time for Equality: The Role of Social Protection in Reducing Inequalities in Asia and the Pacific (lead author) (Bangkok: United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific).

“Financing the Social Sector: Regional Challenges and Opportunities” (lead author), MPDD Working Paper no. 15-06, Macroeconomic Policy and Development Division, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok (July).

“Social Inclusiveness” (with Alberto Isgut, Oliver Paddison and Vanessa Steinmayer), Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific 2015: Making Growth more Inclusive for Sustainable Development (Bangkok: United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asian and the Pacific), 109-116.

“Innovative Measures for Financing the Social Protection Floor in Asia and the Pacific” (with Vanessa Steinmayer), Financing for Transformation: From Agenda to Action on Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific (Bangkok: United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asian and the Pacific), 22-23.


“Strengthening Social Protection for All” (lead author), Fact Sheet, Social Development Division, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok (July).

“Confronting Rising Inequalities in Asia and the Pacific: Trends and Opportunities in the Context of the Development Agenda Beyond 2015” (lead author), Note by the Secretariat prepared for the Third Session of the Committee on Social Development, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), Bangkok (13 June).

“Strengthening the Evidence Base for Disability Policymaking in the Pacific” and “ASEAN Declaration on Strengthening Social Protection” (lead author), in Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific 2014 (Bangkok: United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asian and the Pacific), 62 and 82-83.

“People-to-People Connectivity” (with Maren Jiménez and Vanessa Steinmayer), in Regional Connectivity for Shared Prosperity, Theme Study for the 70th Session of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (Bangkok: United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific), 173-184.


“Social Protection Toolbox,” developed the concept and coordinated the roll out of this on-line knowledge platform, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok (December).

“Providing Income Security for the Elderly” (with Daniel Jeongdae Lee, Oliver Paddison, Patrik Andersson and Chad Anderson), MPDD Working Paper no. 18, Macroeconomic Policy and Development Division, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok (December).

“South Asia: Demographic Dividend or Deficit?" and “The WHO Health Financing Strategy for the Asia-Pacific Region,” (lead author), in Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific 2013: Forward-Looking Macroeconomic Policies for Inclusive and Sustainable Development (Bangkok: United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asian and the Pacific), 117-118 and 183-184.

“Building Resilient Communities” (lead author), in Building Resilience to Natural Disasters and Major Economic Crises, Theme Study for the 69th Session of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (Bangkok: United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific), 64-86.


“Latin American Post-Neoliberal Development Thinking: The ‘Turn’ to Suma Qamaña,” European Journal of Development Research 25, 2: 213-229.


“Politics of Trade in Post-Neoliberal Latin America: The Case of Bolivia,” Bulletin of Latin American Research 30, 1: 80-95.


The Changing Coordinates of Trade & Power in Latin America: Implications for Policy Space & Policy Coherence (with Peter Utting and Gloria Carrión) (Geneva: United Nations Research Institute for Social Development).


"Neodesarrollismo y seguridad en América Latina: el caso de Bolivia,"  Política y Estrategia 114 (JUL-DIC): 149-188.


A Typology of Civil Society Actors: The Case of the Movement to Change International Trade Rules & Barriers (Geneva: United Nations Research Institute for Social Development).

“中南米における反グローバリゼーションの挑戦-チリにおける社会 フォーラムのケース” (“El desafio altermundialista en América Latina: el caso del Foro Social Chileno”), Iberoamericana 29, 1: 33-49.


“¿‘Guerra social de redes’ (‘social netwar’) en Chile?,” Política y Estrategia 104 (OCT-DIC): 11-33.

“Redes altermundialistas: Apuntes sobre las paradojas de la democracia participativa hoy en día,” Revista de la Academia 11: 65-79.

“Propedéutica a la problemática postmoderna II: la compresión espacio-tiempo y redes altermundialistas,” Castalia: Revista de Psicología 10: 13-24.

“Ignacio Ellacuría’s Philosophy of Historical Reality: Beyond the Hegelian-Marxian Dialectic and the Zubirian Radicalization of Scholastic Realism,” Journal of Philosophy and Theology 18, 2: 287-318.

"A Reconstruction of the Theologies of Liberation: the Lacanian Corrective to the Ellacurian Synthesis," Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory 8, no.1: 10-35.

“Rethinking Liberation: Towards a Linguistic Rights Paradigm,” in Rethinking Latino/a Religions and Identities, edited by Miguel Angel de la Torre and Gastón Espinosa (Cleveland: The Pilgrim Press), 200-221.

"A Return to the Foundations of the Critically Oriented Theologies of Liberation," Journal of Religion and Society 8, no. 1: 1-19. 


“Beyond the Postmodern Condition: The Turn Toward Psychoanalysis,” in Liberation Theology: The Next Generation,” edited by Iván Petrella (Maryknoll: Orbis Books), 119-146.

“Propedéutica a la problemática postmoderna I: el giro lingüístico,” Castalia: Revista de Psicología 9: 11-22.

“Un mosaico de la sociedad civil chilena,” en Apuntes y reflexiones sobre el primer Foro Social Chileno, editado por Víctor Hugo de la Fuente y Manuel Mejido Costoya (Santiago, Chile: Le Monde Diplomatique/Aún creemos en los sueños), 31-39.

“Postmodernidad, teoría migratoria, y la crítica de la economía política,” Praxis: revista de psicología de la Universidad Diego Portales 7, no. 7: 45-50.

“The Postmodern: Liberation or Language?,” in Handbook of Latino/a Theologies, edited by Edwin Aponte and Miguel Angel de la Torre (St. Louis: Chalice Press), 276-283.


“Theology, Crisis, and Knowledge-Constitutive Interests, or Toward a Social Theoretical Interpretation of Theological Knowledge,” Social Compass 51, no. 4: 381-401.

 “On the Genesis and Transformations of Social Compass,” Social Compass 51, no. 1: 23-44.

“The Historical Dimension of the Human Being,” translation to the English of Xavier Zubiri, “La Dimensión histórica del ser humano,” Realitas: Seminario Xavier Zubiri, I (Madrid: Sociedad de Estudios y Publicaciones, 1974), 11-69.  (In collaboration with The Xavier Zubiri Foundation of North America, Washington, D.C.)

“Beyond Nomological, Hermeneutic, and Dialectical Knowledge: Zubiri’s Radicalization of Scholastic Realism and the Hidden Ground of the Human-Social Sciences,” The Xavier Zubiri Review 6: 61-71.  


"Repenser le 'terrorisme'," Social Compass 50, no. 2: 257-260. 

“The Real Beyond Language,” Koinonia XV, no. 1: 34-47.

“The Fundamental Problematic of U.S. Hispanic Theology,” in New Horizons in Hispanic/Latino(a) Theology, edited by Benjamín Valentín (Cleveland: Pilgrim), 163-180.

“Xavier Zubiri,” en Diccionario ilustrado de intérpretes de la fé, editado por Justo L. González (Barcelona: Editorial CLIE), 490-491.  Traducido al portugués: Dicionário Ilustrado dos Intérpretes da Fé (Santo André, São Paulo: Academia Cristã, 2005), 679-680.  Traducido al inglés: The Westminster Dictionary of Theologians (Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox, 2006).


“The Illusion of Neutrality: Reflections on the Term ‘Popular Religion,’” Social Compass 49, no. 2: 295-311.

"Propaedeutic to the Critique of the Study US Hispanic Religion: A Polemic Against Intellectual Assimilation," Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology 10, no. 2: 31-63. 


"A Critique of the ‘Aesthetic Turn’ in U.S. Hispanic Theology," Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology 8, no. 3: 18-48.


"Theoretical Prolegomenon to the Sociology of U.S. Hispanic Popular Religion," Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology 7, no. 1: 27-55.


“U.S. Hispanics/Latinos and the Field of Graduate Theological Education,” Theological Education 34, no. 2 (Spring): 51-73.