Geneva Heritage Lab

10 - 11 March 2023. Humanities in Ukraine : recent trends and challenges

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Vendredi 10 mars 2023 - 9h30 au samedi 11 mars 2023 - 17h00 - Amphipôle et Anthropole - 315 et 2064


March 10, Friday : AMPHIPÔLE Room 315

9:30-11:00 Narratives of Ukrainian History 

11:20-12:45 The Russian-Ukrainian War and the Decolonization of Ukrainian Studies 

14:00-15:20 Building Bridges : Panel Discussion on the Situation of Ukrainian Academic Institutions 

15:40-17:30 Ukrainian Studies in Switzerland: Projects and Prospects 

March 11, Saturday : ANTHROPOLE Room 2064

9:30-11:00 Soviet and Рost-Soviet Рast in Рhilosophical and Sociological Studies 

11:20-12:45 Іntellectual History and Challenges of War 

14:00-15:40 Recent Studies in Ukrainian Archaeology 

16:00-17:00 Сlosing Round Table Discussion

9 mars 2023
  Geneva Heritage Lab