The multi-skill learning method is related to the fields of project management, brand management, digital marketing and critical thinking, sociology, psychology and direct marketing.
Students acquire real entrepreneurial skills using these methods. This is achieved through the creation of an NGO and the conduct of actions to raise funds to support a sustainable education project in collaboration with various NGOs in Geneva. The choice of the cause, the definition of their brand identity, the fundraising methods, and the setting up of events are all done by the students.
About twenty students participate in the two semesters of teaching (each semester is worth 3 credits). In the fall semester, from the first day of class, students form teams of 4-5 members to raise funds for NGO projects working in the education sector in developing countries.
Throughout the semester, the methods learned in class are applied to their project. These constitute the subject of the final report due in January. At the end of the semester, each group makes an oral presentation to a panel of professionals. The quality of their dossier, their public presentation and the ability of the students to defend their analyses and conclusions in the face of constructive criticism from the jury serve as the basis for evaluation.
In the spring semester, students who have become more independent bring their project to life in the city. The course is presented as a set of contracts to be carried out to prove the group's growing autonomy. Under the supervision of a coach, a senior company executive, each group makes two presentations to targeted audiences (foundation, company committee, etc.) and carries out other complementary actions. The evaluation of this second semester is based on a file summarizing the description of the actions carried out and attested by photos of the events. Their ability to learn from their actions and to question themselves is also valued.