Modern English Literature (16th - 18th Centuries)

Lukas ERNE

Prof. Lukas ERNE

Professeur ordinaire

+41 (0)22 379 70 27

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Lukas Erne is Professor of English Literature at the University of Geneva, where he was also chair of the English Department from 2007 to 2010. He holds degrees from the universities of Lausanne, Geneva, and Oxford. He has taught at Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford, at the University of Neuchâtel and, as Visiting Professor, at Yale University. He was the Fowler Hamilton Research Fellow at Christ Church, University of Oxford, in winter and spring 2012.

Founding president of the Swiss Association of Medieval and Early Modern English Studies (SAMEMES), he was the general editor of SPELL: Swiss Papers in English and Literature, a publication of the Swiss Association of University Teachers of English (SAUTE), from 2007 to 2019. He is the co-founder and convenor, with Guillemette Bolens, of the Geneva Doctoral Workshop in Medieval and Early Modern English Studies.

Author of Shakespeare as Literary Dramatist (Cambridge University Press, 2003; 2nd edn 2013), Shakespeare and the Book Trade (Cambridge University Press, 2013), Shakespeare’s Modern Collaborators (Continuum, 2008), Beyond ‘The Spanish Tragedy’: A Study of the Works of Thomas Kyd (Manchester University Press, 2001), and Shakespeare in Geneva: Early Modern English Books (1475-1700) at the Martin Bodmer Foundation (with Devani Singh, Ithaque, 2018), he has further edited The Arden Research Handbook of Shakespeare and Textual Studies (Bloomsbury Arden Shakespeare, 2021), Bel-vedére, or the Garden of the Muses: An Early Modern Printed Commonplace Book (with Devani Singh, Cambridge University Press, 2020), ‘Hamlet’ and ‘Romeo and Juliet’: ‘Der Bestrafte Brudermord’ and ‘Romio und Julieta’ in Translation: Early Modern German Shakespeare, Volume 1 (with Kareen Seidler, Bloomsbury Arden Shakespeare, 2020), ‘Titus Andronicus’ and ‘The Taming of the Shrew’: ‘Tito Andronico’ and ‘Kunst über alle Künste, ein bös Weib gut zu machen’ in Translation: Early Modern German Shakespeare, Volume 2 (with Florence Hazrat and Maria Shmygol, Bloomsbury Arden Shakespeare, 2022), Medieval and Early Modern Authorship (with Guillemette Bolens; Narr, 2011), The First Quarto of Romeo and Juliet (Cambridge University Press, 2007), and Textual Performances: The Modern Reproduction of Shakespeare’s Drama (with M. J. Kidnie, Cambridge University Press, 2004).

He has won the Calvin & Rose G. Hoffman Prize (twice), the Roma Gill Award, and the Robert Harvey Prize for essays on Christopher Marlowe and John Donne. He was the 2011-2012 J. P. R. Lyell Reader in Bibliography at the University of Oxford and gave the Lyell Lectures, on ‘Shakespeare and the Book Trade’ in April and May 2012.

Email: lukas.erne at

English Department
Faculté des Lettres
Université de Genève
Uni Bastions

Rue de Candolle 5
CH-1211 Geneva 4

Phone: +41.22.379.70.34


Modern English Literature (16th - 18th Centuries)