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Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention

The Geneva Cancer Registry (GCR), established in 1970, collects information on all cases of cancer diagnosed within the population of the canton of Geneva. It is the oldest Registry in Switzerland, and one of the oldest in Europe. The registry systematically records detailed information on patient, diagnosis, treatment, and cause of death of cancer cases in Geneva. Prof. Christine Bouchardy has been leading this entity since 1992.

Data collected by the GCR enables conduction of epidemiological research on cancer, with specific regard to the following: risk factors, evaluation of screening programmes and prevention measures, access and quality of care, as well as the effectiveness of treatments. The GCR responds to requests for epidemiological investigations by the local health authorities (e.g. Direction générale de la santé) and is involved in several multidisciplinary cancer networks, which include health professionals (from both the public and the private sectors) and patients. The Registry collaborates with national and international studies, on differences within the country, and among countries, in quality of care and survival. The GCR personnel are also involved in teaching undergraduate students, lecturing in workshops, postgraduate and MOOC courses, as well as supervising the Master programme, and thesis for the Doctorate in Medicine. In addition, the GCR plays an important role in cancer promotion, registration and epidemiology at national level, having initiated the creation of the National Institute for Cancer Epidemiology and Registration (NICER) and currently assisting with the elaboration of the new Federal Law on cancer registration.


(Prof. Christine Bouchardy and the whole team of the Registry: Dr Elisabetta Rapiti, Dr Isabelle Neyroud-Caspar, Massimo Usel, Robin Schaffar, Hyma Schubert, Jessica Tchoulfayan, Raphaël Melon, Catherine Lacour, Florence Walker, James Keller Mighali, Daniela Loponte Pronini, Nicolas Ionescu and Prof. Simone Benhamou).


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