“It’s really an engaging course. I really like the format 2h self-study and then 2h course because since it’s on Zoom, a 4-hour course would be really to long. I also like the study preparation material you give us because it’s really interesting to read/watch. Also, Mentimeter is a great way to have an active course, especially due to the situation.”
“Making Mentimeter session at the beginning of the class is very helpful to understand the notions seen last weeks. By giving us some work to do before the session is also great because it allows us to have a better understanding of what we are going to talk then and gives us some examples referring to the what we see during the class session.”
“I think, making groups of works is not helpful because some people don’t want to talk, are to shy to see that this type of person might be the leaders of tomorrow... But that’s even better to have a class like this to maybe put some more perspective for them and impact them differently and help them be better.”
“I love that the professor always has a bright personality and isn’t afraid to share her point of view on matters. It's really important for me, as a student in this course, to know the professor’s stance on what she teaches us.”
"I follow the recordings to follow at my own pace/when I want to."
"A very interactive course. Slides nice to read, airy, pictures representative of the course, concepts well explained. Doing the course on zoom seemed more interactive. I would never have participated in a face-to-face course.
"The strengths of the course? The humour and energy of the teacher; The reflection stimulated by the questions; Great discussions during the course; Explains very well the usefulness of this course for our future professional life; The self-study."
"It is not just pure theory like in many other courses. In this course we actively think and can debate our opinions. This allows us to create ideas for ourselves and not just spit out what we have learned in the course. I think this will be very useful when we take the exam for this course.
"The mentimeter helps to test our knowledge, the self-prep study system is very good and the topics are always very interesting and current."