
Roberto Keller

Doctorant de Fabrice Teroni et de Conor McHugh


My research revolves around the notion of correctness and its ramifications in normative and metanormative theory. I am interested in what it is for something to be correct or incorrect, how judgments of correctness provide us with normative guidance, and how correctness relates to other normative properties such as goodness, norms, and reasons. These questions are at the centre of my SNSF project 'On the Normativity of Correctness' supervised by Prof. Fabrice Teroni and Prof. Conor McHughMy other research interests include various topics in value analysis, moral psychology, and metanormative theory.


Metanormative Theory

Moral Psychology


  • 2020-2024: SNSF Doc.CH grant for the project 'On the Normativity of Correctness'.


  • MA in Philosophy, specialisation in contemporary philosophy, Université de Genève (2019)
  • BA in Philosophy and English Language and Literature, Université de Genève (2017)