
Michaela Egli

PhD Candidate of Marcel Weber

I am a PhD candidate in the philosophy of science. I received my MA and BA in philosophy from the University of Zurich and I have visited other Universities in Switzerland and abroad, namely the Department of History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Cambridge, Southampton University, the University of Neuchâtel and the University of Basel.

My PhD thesis is in the field of the philosophy of medicine and investigates new approaches in clinical research that make use of repurposed electronic health data to generate evidence ("real-world evidence"). I am particularly interested in finding out how reliable and trustworthy this kind of evidence is and for what purposes it should or shoult not be used. The project is funded as a 4 year Doc.CH grant by the Swiss National Science Foundation and supervised by Prof. Marcel Weber and Prof. Jacob Stegenga.

I am also involved in the Swiss Clinical Trial Organisation (SCTO), a national research infrastructure dedicated to fostering quality and relevance of academic clinical research in Switzerland. In my roles as Vice-President of Reatch! Research. Think. Change. and member of the Steering Committee of the Participatory Science Academy at UZH/ETH, I contribute to the future of science communication, citizen science and scientific policy advice in Switzerland.

In my off time, I am a passionate Parkour traceur.