AMEE / Association for Medical Education in Europe
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Time to investigate the path of clinical reasoning in chronic and multimorbid conditions
Ce poster a reçu le MEDICAL TEACHER poster prize AMEE 2019 –TOP 3 POSTERS :
J. Sader ; C. Ritz ; S. Cairo Notari ; T. Fassier ; M. Nendaz ; M-C. Audétat Voirol: . AMEE 2019, 24-28 août 2019, Vienne, Autriche
Poster - Item Response Theory Analysis of the Jefferson Scale of Empathy
Giovanni Piumatti, Milena Abbiati, Anne Baroffio, Margaret W. Gerbase
- Trajectories of undergraduate medical students' performances and their relationship with learning approaches
Anne Baroffio, Giovanni Piumatti, Milena Abbiati, Margaret W. Gerbase
- Vulnerability and disillusionment as a threat to residents’ professional identity development
Naïke Bochatay, Nadia Bajwa, Katherine Blondon, Noëlle Junod Perron, Stéphane Cullati, Mathieu Nendaz
Poster -
Dynamics of students’ learning approaches throughout medical training: relationships with students’ personal characteristics
Anne Baroffio, Giovanni Piumatti, Milena Abbiati, Margaret W. Gerbase
Poster -
Longitudinal relationships between motivation and empathy among medical students during clinical years
Giovanni Piumatti, Anne Baroffio, Margaret W. Gerbase
Poster -
Longitudinal assessment of empathy by two different intruments and evolution of gender relationships in medical students
Margaret W. Gerbase, Giovanni Piumatti, Milena Abbiati, Anne Baroffio
Poster - Exploring professional identification with family medicine among medical students in the Kyrgyz Republic
O.Heller, Z. Ismailova, D.Mambetalieva, K. Stambekova, M. Yurchenko,E. Alymbaev, G. Djumalieva, N. Brimkulov, L.Loutan, A. Baroffio
Poster - Students’ preferences for primary care careers evolve over time: the situation in two medical schools in Switzerland and Portugal
E. Pfarrwaller, M. Abbiati, M. J. Costa, P. Costa, A. Baroffio, D.M. Haller
Evolution of medical students’ learning approaches during their preclinical and clinical trainings: a cohort study
Anne Baroffio, Margaret W. Gerbase, Milena Abbiati, Marie-Paule Gustin
The Role of Personality and Motivational Factors on Students’ Career Intentions for Primary Care and Surgery during their Clinical Training
M. Abbiati,PhD; Z. Horcik, PhD , PhD; M. W. Gerbase, MD,PhD; A. Baroffio ,PhD
Poster - Similarities and Differences between Intra- and Interprofessional Conflicts in Healthcare: Implications for Training
Naïke Bochatay, Nadia M. Bajwa, Stéphane Cullati, Virginie Muller-Juge, Katherine S. Blondon, Noëlle Junod Perron, Fabienne Maître, Pierre Chopard, Nu V. Vu, Sara Kim, Georges L. Savoldelli, Patricia Hudelson, Mathieu R. Nendaz
- Personal and motivational factors influencing undergraduate medical students’ preferences for
general practice career: results of a longitudinal study.
M Abbiati, Z Horcik, M W. Gerbase, A Baroffio,
Poster - Evaluating the Relationship between Motivation, Self-Efficacy, and Competence in a Pediatric Residency Mastery Simulation Course
N. Bajwa
Presentation - Improving students’ use of a deep approach to learning: Should we focus efforts on integrating our curricula?
Anne Baroffio PhD, Milena Abbiati PhD, Margaret W Gerbase MD, PhD, Marie-Paule Gustin PhD
Presentation - Evolution of students’ empathy during medical studies and association with students’ characteristics
Horcik Z, PhD; Abbiati M, PhD; Baroffio A PhD; Gerbase MW, MD PhD
- Are Role Perceptions of Residents and Nurses translated into Action? A Mixed Methods Study in Internal Medicine
V Muller-Juge, N Bochatay, F Scherer, G Cottin, S Cullati, KS Blondon, P Hudelson, F Maître, NV Vu, GL Savoldelli, MR Nendaz
Abstract - Poster
- Medical school screening tools: how far do Medical Aptitude tests and personality measures predict performances throughout preclinical years?
Abbiati M, Horcik Z, Baroffio A
- First-Year Medical Students Attracted by Primary Health Care Present Specific Personal Characteristics
A. Baroffio, M. Abbiati, M.W. Gerbase
Abstract - Poster
- Feedback based on videotaped consultations or immediately after direct observation: which is more effective?
Noëlle Junod Perron, Martine Louis-Simonet, Bernard Cerutti, Eva Pfarrwaller, Johanna Sommer, Mathieu Nendaz
- Students’ early motivations for four medical specialties: Results of a comparative study
Abbiati, M., Horcik, Z. & Baroffio, A.
- Does the content of feedback provided by tutors to medical students during formative assessment sessions differ according to their clinical profile?
N. Junod Perron, M. Louis-Simonet, E. Pfarwaller, J. Sommer, B. Cerutti, M. Nendaz
- Personality stability in a sample of undergraduate medical students
M. Abbiati, Z. Horcik, A. Baroffio
Abstract - Poster
- Does medical students’ admission based on an end-of-first-year knowledge test select unsuitable non-cognitive qualities?
Baroffio A, Gerbase M.W., Abbiati M., Gustin M.P
Abstract - Presentation
- Personality measures in medical education: Is NEO-FFI a reliable and stable instrument?
Abbiati M, Baroffio A, Gerbase M.W
Abstract - Poster
- PhD report : Bridging a gap in communication skills training: a faculty development program
N. Junod Perron, M. Nendaz, D. Dolmans, C. van der Vleuten
- Comparison of medical students’ learning approaches in a traditional versus integrated lecture-based curricula
Baroffio A, Abbiati M., Gerbase M.W., Gustin M.P
Abstract - Presentation
- Empathy perception and skills differ among medical students: Results from a cross-sectional comparative study
Gerbase MW, Abbiati M, Vu NV, Baroffio A
Abstract - Presentation
- Cognitive and non-cognitive features of first year medical students: impact of gender on selection?
Abbiati M, Baroffio A, Kramar N, Gerbase M.W
Abstract - Poster
- Telling the truth: medical students' progress with an ethical skill
Layat C, Baroffio A, Ummel M, Hurst S.
- Contribution of instructional activities to learning in a blended problem-based learning (PBL) context
Gerbase MW, Germond M, Baroffio A, Vu NV.
- A new faculty development approach for PBL tutors: self-reflection and peer-feedback improve teaching skills
Baroffio A., Ammar N., Garcia-Gabay I. , Bischof P.A., James R.W.
Abstract - Presentation