Love Data Week
From February 13 to 17, 2023, the UNIGE Library is joining Love Data Week for the first time, an international event that celebrates the love of research data!
The purpose of this annual international campaign is to promote discussion and awareness of the importance of research data and its proper management, sharing, preservation and reuse. The theme for this year's Love Data Week is "Data: Agent of Change".
Throughout the week at UNIGE, training is offered on many aspects of research data management:
- SNSF Data Management Plan (DMP): how to fill it and what information to include? | 13.02, 14:15-15:45, online
- Introduction to Research Data | 14.02, 14:15-15:00, online
- Managing your research data in accordance with the FAIR principles, in 15 minutes | 15.02, 9:00-9:15, online (in English)
- Research data licensing | 15.02, 13:00-13:15, online (in English)
- Depositing your research data in Yareta: getting started with the institutional tool | 16.02, 14:15-15:45, online
- Where to archive and share research data?, in 15 minutes | 17.02, 13:00-13:15, online (in English)
- Preserving your data at the end of your research, in 15 minutes | 22.02, 13:00-13:15, online
- Anonymisation of personal/sensitive data, in 15 minutes | 08.03, 13:00-13:15, online
In addition, explore the full program of Rendez-vous de l'info scientifique for the spring 2023 semester here (only in French).
January 26, 2023
Archive of News - 2023