Enseignements de niveau Bachelor, Master ou Doctorat


DRAG, The international Tranvestite Quaterly, 1973

The event aims to create spaces for a plurality of approaches towards trans history, trans archives, and connections with the past, that make and unmake trans subjectivities and contemporary trans struggles. It borrows its name from a neologism, used by the artist Chris Vargas, “trans hirstory,” as an gender neutral addendum to the feminist project of “herstory.” All too often, the past has been transformed into a hegemonic narrative that disqualifies the mere possibility of gender variant lives (Hacke, 2023). Archives submitted to a series of curation and indexing choices gradually converge towards the highlighting of lives conforming to current norms and standards. Scholars of queer and subaltern studies have learned to read between the lines of normative documents, and to reveal what was once present and is now silenced. While a struggle against erasure is a never- ending one, it seems that gender-variance and queer sexualities were too present to go unnoticed (Feinberg, 1996).

Conferences will be held in French and English.

9h15 : Ruby Faure, Clovis Maillet, Introduction

Session 1 : Old and Trans* (moderation : Yasmina Foehr-Janssens, UNIGE)

9h30 : Clovis Maillet (HEAD), “Eugenix, Hyacynth and Protus, Trans and Eunuchs in Roman Catacumbs”
9h45 : Gabriel Bey (EHESS) and Camille Campos Fragoso (Cohlex), “Le pape accouche, iconographie d’une parturition masculine au Moyen Âge” 10h00 : Q+A

10h30-11h00 : Break

Session 2 : Imagining and Writing (moderation : Federica Martini, HEAD)

11h00 : Eve Gabriel Chabanon (HEAD), “Identités en traduction dans l’œuvre poétique de Justin Chin”
11h15 : Fig Docher (HEAD), “Composite curating”
11H30 : Nayansaku Mufwankolo (HEAD), “Autofiction Afrocosmic”
11h45 : Q+A

12h15-13h45 Lunch break
Session 3 : Listening and Moving (moderation : Nur Noukhkhaly, ENS Lyon)

13h45 : Michaëla Danjé (Cases Rebelles / Université d’Angers), “Conjured away “
14h00 : Liz Escalle-Dyachenko (Université Paris-Nanterre), “Writing a Transfeminist Archive of Feelings with Strings: three Methodologies of Queer and Trans Hirstory in Contemporary Music”
14h15 : Q+A

14h45-15h00 : Break

15h00 : Keynote conference 

C. Riley Snorton (University of Chicago)
“Swamp Tales, Trans Ghosts, and Nonbinary (Magical) Realism” 16h00 : Q+A

16h30-16h40 : Break

16h40 : Round Table 1 : Building Afro-Centered Histories (moderation Nayansaku Mufwankolo, HEAD)
with Michaëla Danjé (Cases Rebelles), Santschi Jazil Antò (HEAD)

Session 4 : Trans* (as) Multiplicities (moderation : Lee Rozada, Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle)

9h30 : Ruby Faure (Université Paris 8), “Transitioning is Kid Stuff : Trans*/ Childhoods at the Turn of the 19th and 20th Century”
9h45 : Emma Bigé (HEAD), “I know I am not an Individual, I am a Multitude. Trans*somatechniques of Grieving”
10h00 : Q+A

10h30-11h: Break

Session 5 : Making Trans* History (moderation Sébastien Chauvin, UNIL)

11h : Louve Zimmermann (Acceptess-T) : “Faire histoire par et pour nous : l’histoire trans comme outil de lutte dans le champ de la santé communautaire”
11h15 : Sam Bourcier (Université de Lille, Institut Universitaire de France, Collectif Archives LGBTQI+) : “L’incomplétude de l’archive nous appartient : exercer la mémoire plutôt qu’écrire l’histoire”
11h30 : Otto Briand Terlet (Aix-Marseille Université) “Alliances, conflits et enjeu de respectabilité. Le mouvement trans des années 1990 face à l’épidémie de VIH et la sélectivité des protocoles hospitaliers.”
11h45 : Karl Ponthieux Stern (Concordia University), “Existence as resistance : Existrans as a platform for trans struggles in France.” 12h : Q+A

12h30-14h : Lunch Break

14h : Round Table 2 : Archiving Collective Struggles and Individual Stories (moderation Ruby Faure)
with Nath for Mémoires Minoritaires and Turbo Trans, Sam Bourcier for le Collectif Archives LGBTQI+, Louve Zimmermann for Acceptess-T, Constance Brosse for Lestime, Camille Yassine for Centre Maurice Chalumeau en Sciences des Sexualités de l'Université de Genève (CMCSS).

15h30 : Conclusions