29 janvier 2016 : "Improving Access to Cultural Heritage Through Linked Open Data" par Max De Wilde
Improving Access to Cultural Heritage Through Linked Open Data
Max De Wilde, Assistant – Chercheur,
Sciences et Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication (STIC) Université libre de Bruxelles
29 janvier à 14 heures, salle 6093, Uni Mail
Faced with budget cuts, Libraries, Archives and Museums (LAM) are compelled to adopt a creative mindset toward content management. Funding bodies expect short-term results and encourage cultural heritage institutions to gain more value out of their existing data by linking them to external knowledge bases. In this context, entity linking and other techniques using Linked Open Data have attracted attention since they allow small institutions to enrich their collections with semantic information at a relatively low cost. According to Blanke and Kristel (2013), "semantically enriched library and archive federations have recently become an important part of research in digital libraries and archives".
The growing of the Linked Open Data cloud and the availability of free online tools have facilitated the access to information extraction for librarians, archivists and collections managers that are not IT experts but are eager to experiment with new technologies. For LAM, the perspective of freely reusing existing knowledge to map their collections to the Web represents a great opportunity. We propose to evaluate the relevance of entity linking to improve the access to multilingual cultural heritage content. Several applications will be compared in order to determine their added value for information retrieval, with a special emphasis on the handling of non-English data.
Contacts: Pierrette Bouillon
18 janvier 20162016