The genevan research group on emotions, values and norms
Séminaire Thumos, Décembre 2023
- We are happy to announce that the workshop Imagination, Narratives, and Understanding will take place on October 24-25, 2024.
- We are happy to announce that the workshop Fantasy: Its nature, norms, and values will take place on October 10-11, 2024.
- We are happy to announce that the workshop Food & Affective States: Philosophy and Beyond will take place on September 18-19, 2024.
Forthcoming events
The Thumos Seminar, which is the main research activity of our group, takes place on Thursdays, 16h15-17h45 at UniPhilosophes (room PHIL116). The schedule can be found here.
The archives of the Thumos Seminar are available here.
Upcoming workshops and conferences are listed here.
Recent publications
- "The Paradox of Tragedy, or Why (Almost) All Emotions Can Be Enjoyed", by Mathilde Cappelli & Benoit Gaultier, has been published in American Philosophical Quarterly.
- "Samuel Lepine, La Nature des émotions. Une introduction partisane, Paris, Vrin, « Analyse et philosophie », 2023, 248 p.", by Mathilde Cappelli has been published in Revue de métaphysique et de morale.
- "Memory Identification and its failures", by Fabrice Teroni has been published in Philosophy and the Mind Sciences.
- "Imagining Out of Hope", by Steve Humbert-Droz & Juliette Vazard has been published in Philosophical Quarterly.
- "Are Self-transcendent Emotions One Big Family? An Empirical Taxonomy of Positive Self-transcendent Emotion Labels", by Angela Abatista & Florian Cova, has been published in Affective Science.
Julien Deonna, website
Fabrice Teroni, website
Francesca D'Alessandris
Patrik Engisch, website
Julia Langkau, website
Kael McCormack-Skews, website
Giovanni Merlo, website
André Sant'Anna, website
Rebecca Wallbank, website
PhD students
Angela Abatista, website
Agnès Baehni, website
Matthias Blondel, website
Mathilde Cappelli, website
Edgard Darrobers, website
Anaïs Giannuzzo, website
Roberto Keller, website
Irene Lonigro
Céline Schöpfer, website