


InViSPIM Lattice Pro (Luxendo/Bruker)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    FLYER postponed.png                                                            

Demonstration on site :  Monika Löschinger (Luxendo)

When? From February 11th to 14th

Where? Room D06.1554 (not C06.1554 as shown on the flyer)

Host: Francois Prodon  (Bioimaging Core Facility)

Please contact bioimaging(at) to REGISTER

This commercial light-sheet microscope is particularly well-adapted for long-term LIVE imaging of large specimen (more than 100 microns, low photo-toxicity) such as organoids, spheroids, gastruloids, late embryos, neurospheres, 3D cell cultures in general. Cells in media or fixed samples in PBS can be imaged but not cleared samples.

More information: HERE