

NIS-Elements JOBS module 2019--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

NIKON JOBS workshop.png                                                                                                         

A workshop will be co-organized by Nikon and the Bioimaging about the use of NIS-Elements JOBS module coupled with a full motorized fluorescence widefield microscope.

JOBS offers users complete flexibility in designing experiments with customized acquisition and analyses software. Visual programming features remove the need for advanced data programming knowledge. (For more details:

When:Tuesday 5th and Wednesday 6th of November (each day the same program, so you can choose the day which suits best your schedule).

Where:CMU, Faculty of Medicine, Room A04.2906, 1 Rue Michel-Servet, 1211 Genève

Please see attached Flyer. The course is free of charge, but there are limited places, therefore registration is mandatory.

In the morning, Nikon people will go through the JOBS workflow (how to program JOBS workflows) and also share some JOBS templates with participants.

In the afternoon, participants can book individual slots for about 1 hour to discuss specific approaches or experimental workflows. Please note that users need to attend the course in the morning to have an afternoon session.

Light-Sheet Microscopy for long-term live imaging 2019-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
190813_Monika Loeschinger_Seminar.jpg  

Label free live cell imaging -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
